Print Production...

      As part of our Welcome statement we referenced different types of printing processes. Prior to delving into this topic too soon, it may be good to first consider what is needed for the images being printed. (See Images page and posts.) Many of the refinements made with images can become a bit technical with terminologies, and difficult to describe. These refinements do though relate directly to print production considerations. Offset printing for example, with ink being placed onto and absorbing into the paper, will effect the resulting tones of the printed piece (exciting stuff like dot gain needs to be taken into consideration). Digital printing on the other hand, lays down a layer of toner which gets baked onto the surface of the paper, and which has a thickness to it that can be felt (as a bit of a texture feel) with your fingers when rubbed across the finished sheet. Also of consideration for both of these methods of printing, as it relates to adjusting images and tones, is the stock being used. Coated paper, for example, provides a better surface for holding the printed image. This is not to say that quality images cannot be printed also on uncoated papers, it is just that the refinements made to the images may need to be different.
    More to come...

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